Less Pollution is the Best Solution

BIH are always looking for innovative, meaningful ways of reducing the impact of our industry on the environment
Jamie Mullane
December 10, 2021

BIH are always looking for innovative, meaningful ways of reducing the impact of our industry on the environment and improving the world for future generations. But sometimes, it’s the smaller things that can make a big difference!

This year BIH started a Cycle to Work Scheme through the Green Commute Initiative. This is an HMRC scheme aimed at encouraging people to cycle to work and reduce their impact on the environment.

For a number of staff that got involved in the scheme, BIH paid up front for their brand new bike plus accessories which gets paid back slowly over time, meaning potential savings of up to 42% for the staff!

This meant the percentage of employees cycling to work shot up to around 20%. A big positive on multiple points for our employees by:

  • Staying healthy
  • Saving money
  • Reducing their carbon footprint

We’re doing our bit, now it’s your turn. Visit our environmental website page to see how we can help you to reduce the impact of your equipment on the environment at https://www.bihl.com/environmental/

Or get in touch with our team by emailing sales@bihl.com and we’ll be happy to assist with any of your Heat Recovery and Fired Heater needs.


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